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Sacred animals

While animals are, in general, considered divine in India, the holiest one is the cow. This is in keeping with the tradition of assigning divinity to animals, which provide a livelihood. The importance of the cow was…

Key to the treasure of life

A group of Red Indians found a treasure box. As they were uneducated, they did not know how to unlock it. They tried all kinds of crude methods, but failed. They used magic spells, jumped on it, and put many curses on…

Vegetarian delights

Express News Service HYDERABAD: Navratri literally means ‘nine nights.’ It is a time of devotion, spirituality, fasting and feasting. During this period, many individuals choose to abstain from consuming non-vegetarian…

Unity in diversity: God is within us

When we look closely at the epics of different religions, we find some common principles expressed in diverse ways. One such is ‘God is within us’. In the Christian Bible, the New Testament has the Gospel of Luke. In…