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gadget lab podcast

Elon Musk’s Grand xAI Plans

Elon Musk is back in the news again. (Really, does he ever leave the news?) Last week, Musk announced a new artificial intelligence venture called xAI. The timing of the launch is odd considering Musk still runs Tesla, SpaceX, Neuralink,…

Your Clothes Are Making You Sick

Lauren Goode: I have a hard time believing you really like this shirt that I'm wearing.Michael Calore: Well, it's written in the script.Lauren Goode: I know.Michael Calore: But I really actually do like it. Where did you get it? Where is it…

What the Truck, Elon?

Hey, remember the Cybertruck? Tesla CEO Elon Musk unveiled the company’s futuristic electric vehicle way back in 2019. At the launch event, Tesla tried to show off the Cybertruck's "unbreakable windows" by hurling a metal ball at them. It…

AI Won’t Wipe Out Humanity (Yet)

The idea that machine intelligence will one day take over the world has long been a staple of science fiction. But given the rapid advances in consumer-level artificial intelligence tools, the fear has felt closer to reality these past few…

Google Is Opening the AI Floodgates

Google would like you to know that it has been at the forefront of machine intelligence for decades, actually. Never mind that it was beaten to the generative AI hype party by the likes of OpenAI and Microsoft Bing, because Google has big…