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How to mint an NFT on Solana SolSea? By Cointelegraph

How to mint an NFT on Solana SolSea?

The allure of nonfungible tokens (NFTs) has been growing in popularity recently, and for a good reason. Nonfungible tokens are a new form of asset that can represent anything from digital art to game items and are stored on the blockchain ledger. This implies that NFTs are unique, immutable and transparent.

People collect NFTs for a variety of reasons, including art appreciation, value speculation and as part of playing games like Decentraland or Cryptokitties that are based on blockchain technology.

Install Phantom

Create a new wallet

Funding the wallet

  1. Stake other cryptocurrencies such as (BTC) or Ether (ETH) in a validator to earn SOL rewards.
  2. Use an exchange that supports SOL trading pairs to buy SOL with other cryptocurrencies.

Creating a new account on SolSea

  1. After creating an NFT collection, head back to the Create page and, this time, select “NFT.”
  2. From there, upload the image, video or audio file you wish to mint as an NFT. Make sure to read the requirements for each file type before uploading to avoid any issues. The accepted file formats include MP4, MOV, 3GP, JPEG and PNG for videos and images.
  3. Provide a title and description for the NFT.
  4. Determine the royalty payments. This is the percentage the creator will earn each time THE NFT is resold on the secondary market. The percentage range is from 0% to 50% and may be customized based on the owner’s strategy.
  1. Simply go to Wallet, and select “NFTs In My Wallet” from the drop-down bar.
  2. Click on “List NFT” and choose a price.
  3. After finishing, return to My Wallet and explore the newly-listed NFT.